You simply find a class that would be beneficial for your child. You will receive a ZOOM link that will be available shortly before the class begins. Your child will begin with a "warm-up" on the screen that they are to attempt on their own. (This is material they should already know prior to learning the new material.) After 5 minutes we will go over the answers to the warm up and begin the lesson.
Students need to be seen with their camera on. It is often in a facial expression that I can determine - confusion, confidence or any other look that tells me a lot about the progression of the student.
Students should be available for 60 minutes. Classes are listed as 50 minute classes. I did this purposely to allow me to use up to 10 additional minutes if needed to complete the lesson.
It would be ideal for your child to have a small whiteboard. They are $1.25 at the Dollar Tree. It makes it easier for me to pull them into a break out room and look at their work. I can find issues when I can see their how they performed the problem or calculation.